Thursday, December 31, 2015

200 Red Envelopes for Paxton

February 8, 2016 is the Chinese New Year, and marks the beginning of the Year of the monkey.  We are celebrating early by starting our first and prayerfully biggest fundraiser, 200 Red Envelopes for Paxton.

Red is a color that symbolizes luck in China.  On Chinese New Year, gifts of money are given in a red envelope to signify wishes of wealth and good fortune for the coming year. 2016 is the year that Paxton will come home!

How it works:

Step 1: Go to the Facebook Page “200 Red Envelopes for Paxton” and join the page.  Please feel free to invite your friends!

Step 2: Choose the envelope you want.  There are 200 envelopes, numbered 1-200.  There are three ways to participate:

1 ) You can choose the number of an envelope and donate that amount.  If you choose 47, for example, you would donate $47 dollars.
2 ) You can ask me to choose an envelope for you (by giving me a range or knowing that the range is 1-200).  If you give me a range of 25-35, you would be given an envelope in that range.  If you were given envelope 33, you would donate $33. 
3 ) You can get together with a group of friends (from work, school, church, etc.) and choose an envelope that way.  Some of the “higher” amount envelopes would be great candidates for this method of donation.  So if you and your friends commit to envelope 153, you would collect and donate $153. 

Step 3:  Go to our Pure Charity (link is on the right side hand of this page) and donate the amount that corresponds to the envelope you chose.  (If you would prefer not to donate online but want to participate, please do not let that deter you.  Email me or contact me on Facebook and I will share my mailing address with you.)

Step 4:  Celebrate! You just helped in an awesome way! Look for your red envelope in the mail- we want to send you a thank you note. We will also include a blank note that we hope you will return. You can write a prayer or a note that Paxton will read one day. You are an incredible part of his story!

NOTE:  I will try to keep up with the envelopes being taken on the Facebook page.  Please feel free to post on the page “I’m taking envelope 24!” or I will post later “Envelope 24 is taken!”  It is important to do this so we don’t have duplicates of each envelope.  If you choose to do multiple envelopes (which is a blessing but not a request!), please indicate that to me as well.  

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We love and appreciate each of you so very much! Your support in our journey means so much. If you cannot give, we’d be honored to have your prayers!