Friday, April 15, 2016

three little letters

Today, we got our LID! We are officially Logged In with the CCCWA. This step makes it feel so incredibly real. We are going to China to get our boy, SOON!!! 

Just ten days ago, we were DTC, this is a big deal! Praising God for another miracle! 

Now, we wait for our LOA. Letter of Acceptance. 

Here is our timeline thus far: 

Saw our son                                                                    11/22/15
Filled out an application with Lifeline                           11/23/15
Accepted into the Lifeline Ch*na program                    11/30/15    
Filed our Letter of Intent                                                12/14/15  
Pre approval received                                                     12/22/15    
Homestudy finalized                                                       2/22/16   
i800a submitted                                                              2/22/16 
Fingerprint appointment notice                                      3/7/16     
Walked in for fingerprints                                              3/15/1
i800a approved / Medical Expedite granted                  3/15/16  
DTC (Dossier sent to China)                                         4/5/16  
LID  (Logged in Date)                                                  4/15/16  
LOA (Letter of Acceptance) 
i800 Submitted
i800 Approval 
Article 5 
TA (Travel Approval!) 

The average LOA wait is currently around 50 days. If we are granted medical expedite in Ch*na this will be about a week. God can completely pull this off. However, our agency has to approach this step differently than other agencies and must get a recommendation from the orphanage director himself on Paxton's behalf, which has never happened. Unfortunately, Thal kids don't "look sick"until it's too late. Please pray that we are able to remain patient and continue to trust he Lord and His timing. Pray that He will continue to sustain Paxton and that no organ damage will take place.

Once we receive LOA, our agency will hopefully be able to move mountains and get the remaining steps done at an incredibly fast rate. We are prayerful that we could travel in July or early August. 

July is fast. August is fast. That gives us 2-3 months for our remaining funds to be paid. About $18,000.00 It is crazy to type that number. But it's amazing to look back and see how He is allowed us to able to get to this point! He has provided in miraculous ways and we know that He is faithful!  

Two fundraisers for the month of May: 

May 6-7 Adoption Yard Sale! We would love your donations or your time if you'd like to volunteer. 


We would be honored if you'd share both events with your friends and family. 

As always, we covet your prayers and are so incredibly thankful for your support!

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