Friday, January 22, 2016

Happy Birthday Paxton!

Happy 2nd Birthday Paxton! 

Yesterday our sweet boy turned 2. 
We celebrated here in Alabama with chocolate cupcakes that these cuties helped make. 

They were so excited to celebrate their brother! 

Paxton celebrated in Ch*na with his own party! We were so blessed to be able to send him a birthday party complete with a cake, fruit, and juice boxes. Loved waking up to this handsome face in my email today! The Lord knows the exact times I need to receive them. 

All this for me?!?

Making a wish! 

 Let's eat! 

You can view a video of them singing happy birthday to him here: 
password: keenan1

We were also able to send him a photo book with pictures of his family and a toy. Seriously, so blessed to be able to do this! We pray that as he looks at our pictures he is filled with joy and peace. That when we see him in what will hopefully be a few months (i say few to keep my sanity..) we will be familiar faces he is excited to see! 

Seeing my family for the first time! 

How many siblings am I going to have? ;)

You can view a video of him looking at his album here:
password: keenan2

You have no idea how much you are loved and longed for. We cannot wait to celebrate the rest of your birthdays with you! If you only knew what this year will hold for you. It's going to be a grand adventure.  God has an amazing plan for your life. We cannot wait!!! 

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11


  1. I cried watching that video! What a sweet little boy. Thinking of y'all and hoping the adoption process goes smoothly and quickly.
